Emergent Mind

Investigating Human-Identifiable Features Hidden in Adversarial Perturbations

Published Sep 28, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.AI , and cs.CV


Neural networks perform exceedingly well across various machine learning tasks but are not immune to adversarial perturbations. This vulnerability has implications for real-world applications. While much research has been conducted, the underlying reasons why neural networks fall prey to adversarial attacks are not yet fully understood. Central to our study, which explores up to five attack algorithms across three datasets, is the identification of human-identifiable features in adversarial perturbations. Additionally, we uncover two distinct effects manifesting within human-identifiable features. Specifically, the masking effect is prominent in untargeted attacks, while the generation effect is more common in targeted attacks. Using pixel-level annotations, we extract such features and demonstrate their ability to compromise target models. In addition, our findings indicate a notable extent of similarity in perturbations across different attack algorithms when averaged over multiple models. This work also provides insights into phenomena associated with adversarial perturbations, such as transferability and model interpretability. Our study contributes to a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms behind adversarial attacks and offers insights for the development of more resilient defense strategies for neural networks.

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