Emergent Mind


Vision Transformers (ViTs) have emerged as state-of-the-art models for various vision tasks recently. However, their heavy computation costs remain daunting for resource-limited devices. Consequently, researchers have dedicated themselves to compressing redundant information in ViTs for acceleration. However, they generally sparsely drop redundant image tokens by token pruning or brutally remove channels by channel pruning, leading to a sub-optimal balance between model performance and inference speed. They are also disadvantageous in transferring compressed models to downstream vision tasks that require the spatial structure of images, such as semantic segmentation. To tackle these issues, we propose a joint compression method for ViTs that offers both high accuracy and fast inference speed, while also maintaining favorable transferability to downstream tasks (CAIT). Specifically, we introduce an asymmetric token merging (ATME) strategy to effectively integrate neighboring tokens. It can successfully compress redundant token information while preserving the spatial structure of images. We further employ a consistent dynamic channel pruning (CDCP) strategy to dynamically prune unimportant channels in ViTs. Thanks to CDCP, insignificant channels in multi-head self-attention modules of ViTs can be pruned uniformly, greatly enhancing the model compression. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed method can achieve state-of-the-art performance across various ViTs. For example, our pruned DeiT-Tiny and DeiT-Small achieve speedups of 1.7$\times$ and 1.9$\times$, respectively, without accuracy drops on ImageNet. On the ADE20k segmentation dataset, our method can enjoy up to 1.31$\times$ speedups with comparable mIoU. Our code will be publicly available.

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