Emergent Mind

BLIP-Adapter: Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for Mobile Screenshot Captioning

Published Sep 26, 2023 in cs.LG , cs.CL , cs.CV , and cs.HC


This study aims to explore efficient tuning methods for the screenshot captioning task. Recently, image captioning has seen significant advancements, but research in captioning tasks for mobile screens remains relatively scarce. Current datasets and use cases describing user behaviors within product screenshots are notably limited. Consequently, we sought to fine-tune pre-existing models for the screenshot captioning task. However, fine-tuning large pre-trained models can be resource-intensive, requiring considerable time, computational power, and storage due to the vast number of parameters in image captioning models. To tackle this challenge, this study proposes a combination of adapter methods, which necessitates tuning only the additional modules on the model. These methods are originally designed for vision or language tasks, and our intention is to apply them to address similar challenges in screenshot captioning. By freezing the parameters of the image caption models and training only the weights associated with the methods, performance comparable to fine-tuning the entire model can be achieved, while significantly reducing the number of parameters. This study represents the first comprehensive investigation into the effectiveness of combining adapters within the context of the screenshot captioning task. Through our experiments and analyses, this study aims to provide valuable insights into the application of adapters in vision-language models and contribute to the development of efficient tuning techniques for the screenshot captioning task. Our study is available at https://github.com/RainYuGG/BLIP-Adapter

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