Emergent Mind


The main concern of this study is to find the optimal design of truss structures considering sizing and layout variables simultaneously. As compared to purely sizing optimization problems, this problem is more challenging since the two types of variables involved are fundamentally different in nature. In this paper, a reinforcement learning method combining the update process and Monte Carlo tree search called the update Monte Carlo tree search (UMCTS) for sizing optimization problems is applied to solve combined sizing and layout optimization for truss structures. This study proposes a novel update process for nodal coordinates with two features. (1) The allowed range of each coordinate varies in each round. (2) Accelerators for the number of entries in the allowed range and iteration numbers are introduced to reduce the computation time. Furthermore, nodal coordinates and member areas are determined at the same time with only one search tree in each round. The validation and efficiency of the UMCTS are tested on benchmark problems of planar and spatial trusses with discrete sizing variables and continuous layout variables. It is shown that the CPU time of the UMCTS is two times faster than the branch and bound method. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method stably achieves a better solution than other traditional methods.

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