Emergent Mind

Crack-Net: Prediction of Crack Propagation in Composites

Published Sep 24, 2023 in cond-mat.mtrl-sci , cond-mat.stat-mech , cs.LG , and nlin.CD


Computational solid mechanics has become an indispensable approach in engineering, and numerical investigation of fracture in composites is essential as composites are widely used in structural applications. Crack evolution in composites is the bridge to elucidate the relationship between the microstructure and fracture performance, but crack-based finite element methods are computationally expensive and time-consuming, limiting their application in computation-intensive scenarios. Here we propose a deep learning framework called Crack-Net, which incorporates the relationship between crack evolution and stress response to predict the fracture process in composites. Trained on a high-precision fracture development dataset generated using the phase field method, Crack-Net demonstrates a remarkable capability to accurately forecast the long-term evolution of crack growth patterns and the stress-strain curve for a given composite design. The Crack-Net captures the essential principle of crack growth, which enables it to handle more complex microstructures such as binary co-continuous structures. Moreover, transfer learning is adopted to further improve the generalization ability of Crack-Net for composite materials with reinforcements of different strengths. The proposed Crack-Net holds great promise for practical applications in engineering and materials science, in which accurate and efficient fracture prediction is crucial for optimizing material performance and microstructural design.

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