Emergent Mind

Communication-Constrained Multi-Robot Exploration with Intermittent Rendezvous

Published Sep 23, 2023 in cs.RO and cs.MA


This paper deals with the Multi-robot Exploration (MRE) under communication constraints problem. We propose a novel intermittent rendezvous method that allows robots to explore an unknown environment while sharing maps at rendezvous locations through agreements. In our method, robots update the agreements to spread the rendezvous locations during the exploration and prioritize exploring unknown areas near them. To generate the agreements automatically, we reduced the MRE to instances of the Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) and ensured intermittent communication through a temporal connectivity graph. We evaluate our method in simulation in various virtual urban environments and a Gazebo simulation using the Robot Operating System (ROS). Our results suggest that our method can be better than using relays or maintaining intermittent communication with a base station since we can explore faster without additional hardware to create a relay network.

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