Emergent Mind


This research investigates road traffic accident severity in the UK, using a combination of machine learning, econometric, and statistical methods on historical data. We employed various techniques, including correlation analysis, regression models, GMM for error term issues, and time-series forecasting with VAR and ARIMA models. Our approach outperforms naive forecasting with an MASE of 0.800 and ME of -73.80. We also built a random forest classifier with 73% precision, 78% recall, and a 73% F1-score. Optimizing with H2O AutoML led to an XGBoost model with an RMSE of 0.176 and MAE of 0.087. Factor Analysis identified key variables, and we used SHAP for Explainable AI, highlighting influential factors like DriverHomeAreaType and RoadType. Our study enhances understanding of accident severity and offers insights for evidence-based road safety policies.

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