Emergent Mind


We propose a hybrid approach that combines Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability and mixed-integer optimization for solving a reach-avoid game with multiple attackers and defenders. The reach-avoid game is an important problem with potential applications in air traffic control and multi-agent motion planning; however, solving this game for many attackers and defenders is intractable due to the adversarial nature of the agents and the high problem dimensionality. In this paper, we first propose an HJ reachability-based method for solving the reach-avoid game in which 2 attackers are playing against 1 defender; we derive the numerically convergent optimal winning sets for the two sides in environments with obstacles. Utilizing this result and previous results for the 1 vs. 1 game, we further propose solving the general multi-agent reach-avoid game by determining the defender assignments that can maximize the number of attackers captured via a Mixed Integer Program (MIP). Our method generalizes previous state-of-the-art results and is especially useful when there are fewer defenders than attackers. We validate our theoretical results in numerical simulations.

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