Emergent Mind


Choosing an appropriate representation of the environment for the underlying decision-making process of the RL agent is not always straightforward. The state representation should be inclusive enough to allow the agent to informatively decide on its actions and compact enough to increase sample efficiency for policy training. Given this outlook, this work examines the effect of various state representations in incentivizing the agent to solve a specific robotic task: antipodal and planar object grasping. A continuum of state representation abstractions is defined, starting from a model-based approach with complete system knowledge, through hand-crafted numerical, to image-based representations with decreasing level of induced task-specific knowledge. We examine the effects of each representation in the ability of the agent to solve the task in simulation and the transferability of the learned policy to the real robot. The results show that RL agents using numerical states can perform on par with non-learning baselines. Furthermore, we find that agents using image-based representations from pre-trained environment embedding vectors perform better than end-to-end trained agents, and hypothesize that task-specific knowledge is necessary for achieving convergence and high success rates in robot control.

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