Emergent Mind

Hardness Transitions of Star Colouring and Restricted Star Colouring

Published Sep 20, 2023 in math.CO and cs.CC


We study how the complexity of the graph colouring problems star colouring and restricted star colouring vary with the maximum degree of the graph. Restricted star colouring (in short, rs colouring) is a variant of star colouring. For $k\in \mathbb{N}$, a $k$-colouring of a graph $G$ is a function $f\colon V(G)\to \mathbb{Z}k$ such that $f(u)\neq f(v)$ for every edge $uv$ of $G$. A $k$-colouring of $G$ is called a $k$-star colouring of $G$ if there is no path $u,v,w,x$ in $G$ with $f(u)=f(w)$ and $f(v)=f(x)$. A $k$-colouring of $G$ is called a $k$-rs colouring of $G$ if there is no path $u,v,w$ in $G$ with $f(v)>f(u)=f(w)$. For $k\in \mathbb{N}$, the problem $k$-STAR COLOURABILITY takes a graph $G$ as input and asks whether $G$ admits a $k$-star colouring. The problem $k$-RS COLOURABILITY is defined similarly. Recently, Brause et al. (Electron. J. Comb., 2022) investigated the complexity of 3-star colouring with respect to the graph diameter. We study the complexity of $k$-star colouring and $k$-rs colouring with respect to the maximum degree for all $k\geq 3$. For $k\geq 3$, let us denote the least integer $d$ such that $k$-STAR COLOURABILITY (resp. $k$-RS COLOURABILITY) is NP-complete for graphs of maximum degree $d$ by $Ls{(k)}$ (resp. $L{rs}{(k)}$). We prove that for $k=5$ and $k\geq 7$, $k$-STAR COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for graphs of maximum degree $k-1$. We also show that $4$-RS COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for planar 3-regular graphs of girth 5 and $k$-RS COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for triangle-free graphs of maximum degree $k-1$ for $k\geq 5$. Using these results, we prove the following: (i) for $k\geq 4$ and $d\leq k-1$, $k$-STAR COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for $d$-regular graphs if and only if $d\geq Ls{(k)}$; and (ii) for $k\geq 4$, $k$-RS COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for $d$-regular graphs if and only if $L_{rs}{(k)}\leq d\leq k-1$.

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