Emergent Mind


Internet of vehicles (IoV) has emerged as a key technology to realize real-time vehicular application. For IoV, vehicles adopt cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) standard to support direct communication among them. C-V2X mode 4 controls resource allocation without the assistance of cellular network, hence it is widely used for IoV. However, C-V2X mode 4 has two drawbacks. First is that vehicles cannot communicate with each other for a period in some case which will cause an increase in age of information (AoI); second is that vehicles may select resource already occupied by others which will deteriorate the reliability. To address the two drawbacks, we propose an enhanced C-V2X mode 4 to optimize AoI and reliability. In addition, we consider the fact that for most vehicular applications, each vehicle periodically requires fresh information of vehicles within a certain distance and propose a new performance metric to evaluate the system AoI for IoV. Furthermore, we construct a platform through integrating SUMO and NS3. We demonstrate the superiority of the enhanced C-V2X mode 4 base on this simulation platform.

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