Emergent Mind


Data augmentation is a common practice to help generalization in the procedure of deep model training. In the context of physiological time series classification, previous research has primarily focused on label-invariant data augmentation methods. However, another class of augmentation techniques (\textit{i.e., Mixup}) that emerged in the computer vision field has yet to be fully explored in the time series domain. In this study, we systematically review the mix-based augmentations, including mixup, cutmix, and manifold mixup, on six physiological datasets, evaluating their performance across different sensory data and classification tasks. Our results demonstrate that the three mix-based augmentations can consistently improve the performance on the six datasets. More importantly, the improvement does not rely on expert knowledge or extensive parameter tuning. Lastly, we provide an overview of the unique properties of the mix-based augmentation methods and highlight the potential benefits of using the mix-based augmentation in physiological time series data.

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