Emergent Mind

Three Ways to Improve Verbo-visual Fusion for Dense 3D Visual Grounding

Published Sep 8, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.CL


3D visual grounding is the task of localizing the object in a 3D scene which is referred by a description in natural language. With a wide range of applications ranging from autonomous indoor robotics to AR/VR, the task has recently risen in popularity. A common formulation to tackle 3D visual grounding is grounding-by-detection, where localization is done via bounding boxes. However, for real-life applications that require physical interactions, a bounding box insufficiently describes the geometry of an object. We therefore tackle the problem of dense 3D visual grounding, i.e. referral-based 3D instance segmentation. We propose a dense 3D grounding network ConcreteNet, featuring three novel stand-alone modules which aim to improve grounding performance for challenging repetitive instances, i.e. instances with distractors of the same semantic class. First, we introduce a bottom-up attentive fusion module that aims to disambiguate inter-instance relational cues, next we construct a contrastive training scheme to induce separation in the latent space, and finally we resolve view-dependent utterances via a learned global camera token. ConcreteNet ranks 1st on the challenging ScanRefer online benchmark by a considerable +9.43% accuracy at 50% IoU and has won the ICCV 3rd Workshop on Language for 3D Scenes "3D Object Localization" challenge.

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