Emergent Mind


Visual odometry (VO) and SLAM have been using multi-view geometry via local structure from motion for decades. These methods have a slight disadvantage in challenging scenarios such as low-texture images, dynamic scenarios, etc. Meanwhile, use of deep neural networks to extract high level features is ubiquitous in computer vision. For VO, we can use these deep networks to extract depth and pose estimates using these high level features. The visual odometry task then can be modeled as an image generation task where the pose estimation is the by-product. This can also be achieved in a self-supervised manner, thereby eliminating the data (supervised) intensive nature of training deep neural networks. Although some works tried the similar approach [1], the depth and pose estimation in the previous works are vague sometimes resulting in accumulation of error (drift) along the trajectory. The goal of this work is to tackle these limitations of past approaches and to develop a method that can provide better depths and pose estimates. To address this, a couple of approaches are explored: 1) Modeling: Using optical flow and recurrent neural networks (RNN) in order to exploit spatio-temporal correlations which can provide more information to estimate depth. 2) Loss function: Generative adversarial network (GAN) [2] is deployed to improve the depth estimation (and thereby pose too), as shown in Figure 1. This additional loss term improves the realism in generated images and reduces artifacts.

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