Emergent Mind

Evaluating ChatGPT as a Recommender System: A Rigorous Approach

Published Sep 7, 2023 in cs.IR , cs.AI , and cs.CL


Recent popularity surrounds large AI language models due to their impressive natural language capabilities. They contribute significantly to language-related tasks, including prompt-based learning, making them valuable for various specific tasks. This approach unlocks their full potential, enhancing precision and generalization. Research communities are actively exploring their applications, with ChatGPT receiving recognition. Despite extensive research on LLMs, their potential in recommendation scenarios still needs to be explored. This study aims to fill this gap by investigating ChatGPT's capabilities as a zero-shot recommender system. Our goals include evaluating its ability to use user preferences for recommendations, reordering existing recommendation lists, leveraging information from similar users, and handling cold-start situations. We assess ChatGPT's performance through comprehensive experiments using three datasets (MovieLens Small, Last.FM, and Facebook Book). We compare ChatGPT's performance against standard recommendation algorithms and other LLMs, such as GPT-3.5 and PaLM-2. To measure recommendation effectiveness, we employ widely-used evaluation metrics like Mean Average Precision (MAP), Recall, Precision, F1, normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG), Item Coverage, Expected Popularity Complement (EPC), Average Coverage of Long Tail (ACLT), Average Recommendation Popularity (ARP), and Popularity-based Ranking-based Equal Opportunity (PopREO). Through thoroughly exploring ChatGPT's abilities in recommender systems, our study aims to contribute to the growing body of research on the versatility and potential applications of LLMs. Our experiment code is available on the GitHub repository: https://github.com/sisinflab/Recommender-ChatGPT


  • ChatGPT, leveraging the GPT-3.5 language model, exhibits the potential to function as an effective recommender system.

  • The study tested ChatGPT against traditional algorithms using metrics such as accuracy and novelty on datasets like MovieLens Small and Last.FM.

  • ChatGPT performed comparably to leading systems, particularly in understanding user preferences and handling cold start problems.

  • There are indications of popularity biases in ChatGPT's recommendations, and it aligns more with hybrid and collaborative systems.

Evaluating the Potential of ChatGPT as a Recommender System


Recommendation systems are an integral part of our digital lives, guiding us through vast seas of options to suggest products, content, and information tailored to our tastes. A recent study delved into the capabilities of a particular type of system, ChatGPT, within this context.

Recommender Systems and ChatGPT

ChatGPT, a conversational agent based on the powerful GPT-3.5 language model, has shown great potential as a recommender system. It has been trained on extensive data, learning to predict users' preferences and suggest items accordingly. Researchers have posed a critical question: Could this AI also excel as a recommender system, a tool to personalize suggestions in various domains like movies, music, and books?

The Study's Methodology

The study employed a robust method to evaluate ChatGPT's recommendations against standard algorithms in the field. Researchers used three public datasets—MovieLens Small, Last.FM, and Facebook Book—to compare the performances. The evaluative benchmarks included classic metrics like Mean Average Precision and normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain, considering various aspects such as accuracy, diversity, novelty, and bias. It also included an assessment of how well ChatGPT could handle the notorious cold start problem faced by recommender systems.

Findings and Insights

The findings indicate that ChatGPT, even without optimization for the tasks, showcases promising capabilities. Performing comparably to state-of-the-art systems, it excels in understanding user preferences and recommending new items. The study also suggests that ChatGPT, along with other LLMs, can manage cold-start scenarios effectively, where a user’s historical data is scarce or non-existent.

Despite its potential, the observations also indicate that ChatGPT's recommendations may exhibit popularity biases depending on the dataset. In terms of system similarity, the AI shows alignment with hybrid and collaborative systems rather than purely content-based approaches. Additionally, when presented with lists for re-ranking based on user preferences, it demonstrated significant improvements, leaning towards more personalized suggestions.

Future Directions

This research lays the groundwork for future studies that might explore prompt engineering or domain-specific fine-tuning. The consistent and high-performance of ChatGPT suggests it could revolutionize recommendation tasks, though it necessitates further research on enhancing performance and addressing biases.


The versatility of ChatGPT as a language model extends to the field of recommenders, holding promises for personalized, efficient, and contextually relevant recommendations. Its potential application in various domains opens up possibilities for richer user experiences across digital services.


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