Emergent Mind

Enoki: Stateful Distributed FaaS from Edge to Cloud

Published Sep 7, 2023 in cs.DC


Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a promising paradigm for applications distributed across the edge-cloud continuum. FaaS functions are stateless by nature, leading to high elasticity and transparent invocation. Supporting stateful applications, however, requires integrating data storage in FaaS, which is not trivial in an edge-cloud environment. We propose Enoki, an architecture for stateful FaaS computing replicated across the edge-cloud continuum. Enoki integrates a replicated key-value store with single-node FaaS systems at edge and cloud nodes in order to provide low-latency local data access for functions without breaking the abstraction of the FaaS programming model. We evaluate Enoki with microbenchmarks on an open-source prototype and demonstrate building a stateful FaaS application with multiple functions distributed over edge and cloud.

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