Emergent Mind


We propose a highly controllable voice manipulation system that can perform any-to-any voice conversion (VC) and prosody modulation simultaneously. State-of-the-art VC systems can transfer sentence-level characteristics such as speaker, emotion, and speaking style. However, manipulating the frame-level prosody, such as pitch, energy and speaking rate, still remains challenging. Our proposed model utilizes a frame-level prosody feature to effectively transfer such properties. Specifically, pitch and energy trajectories are integrated in a prosody conditioning module and then fed alongside speaker and contents embeddings to a diffusion-based decoder generating a converted speech mel-spectrogram. To adjust the speaking rate, our system includes a self-supervised model based post-processing step which allows improved controllability. The proposed model showed comparable speech quality and improved intelligibility compared to a SOTA approach. It can cover a varying range of fundamental frequency (F0), energy and speed modulation while maintaining converted speech quality.

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