Emergent Mind

Content Prompting: Modeling Content Provider Dynamics to Improve User Welfare in Recommender Ecosystems

Published Sep 2, 2023 in cs.MA , cs.AI , cs.GT , and cs.IR


Users derive value from a recommender system (RS) only to the extent that it is able to surface content (or items) that meet their needs/preferences. While RSs often have a comprehensive view of user preferences across the entire user base, content providers, by contrast, generally have only a local view of the preferences of users that have interacted with their content. This limits a provider's ability to offer new content to best serve the broader population. In this work, we tackle this information asymmetry with content prompting policies. A content prompt is a hint or suggestion to a provider to make available novel content for which the RS predicts unmet user demand. A prompting policy is a sequence of such prompts that is responsive to the dynamics of a provider's beliefs, skills and incentives. We aim to determine a joint prompting policy that induces a set of providers to make content available that optimizes user social welfare in equilibrium, while respecting the incentives of the providers themselves. Our contributions include: (i) an abstract model of the RS ecosystem, including content provider behaviors, that supports such prompting; (ii) the design and theoretical analysis of sequential prompting policies for individual providers; (iii) a mixed integer programming formulation for optimal joint prompting using path planning in content space; and (iv) simple, proof-of-concept experiments illustrating how such policies improve ecosystem health and user welfare.

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