Emergent Mind

Preserving Modality Structure Improves Multi-Modal Learning

Published Aug 24, 2023 in cs.CV


Self-supervised learning on large-scale multi-modal datasets allows learning semantically meaningful embeddings in a joint multi-modal representation space without relying on human annotations. These joint embeddings enable zero-shot cross-modal tasks like retrieval and classification. However, these methods often struggle to generalize well on out-of-domain data as they ignore the semantic structure present in modality-specific embeddings. In this context, we propose a novel Semantic-Structure-Preserving Consistency approach to improve generalizability by preserving the modality-specific relationships in the joint embedding space. To capture modality-specific semantic relationships between samples, we propose to learn multiple anchors and represent the multifaceted relationship between samples with respect to their relationship with these anchors. To assign multiple anchors to each sample, we propose a novel Multi-Assignment Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm. Our experimentation demonstrates that our proposed approach learns semantically meaningful anchors in a self-supervised manner. Furthermore, our evaluation on MSR-VTT and YouCook2 datasets demonstrates that our proposed multi-anchor assignment based solution achieves state-of-the-art performance and generalizes to both inand out-of-domain datasets. Code: https://github.com/Swetha5/Multi_Sinkhorn_Knopp

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