Emergent Mind


Convolutional neural networks excel in histopathological image classification, yet their pixel-level focus hampers explainability. Conversely, emerging graph convolutional networks spotlight cell-level features and medical implications. However, limited by their shallowness and suboptimal use of high-dimensional pixel data, GCNs underperform in multi-class histopathological image classification. To make full use of pixel-level and cell-level features dynamically, we propose an asymmetric co-training framework combining a deep graph convolutional network and a convolutional neural network for multi-class histopathological image classification. To improve the explainability of the entire framework by embedding morphological and topological distribution of cells, we build a 14-layer deep graph convolutional network to handle cell graph data. For the further utilization and dynamic interactions between pixel-level and cell-level information, we also design a co-training strategy to integrate the two asymmetric branches. Notably, we collect a private clinically acquired dataset termed LUAD7C, including seven subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma, which is rare and more challenging. We evaluated our approach on the private LUAD7C and public colorectal cancer datasets, showcasing its superior performance, explainability, and generalizability in multi-class histopathological image classification.

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