Emergent Mind

Audio Generation with Multiple Conditional Diffusion Model

Published Aug 23, 2023 in cs.SD , cs.CL , cs.LG , and eess.AS


Text-based audio generation models have limitations as they cannot encompass all the information in audio, leading to restricted controllability when relying solely on text. To address this issue, we propose a novel model that enhances the controllability of existing pre-trained text-to-audio models by incorporating additional conditions including content (timestamp) and style (pitch contour and energy contour) as supplements to the text. This approach achieves fine-grained control over the temporal order, pitch, and energy of generated audio. To preserve the diversity of generation, we employ a trainable control condition encoder that is enhanced by a large language model and a trainable Fusion-Net to encode and fuse the additional conditions while keeping the weights of the pre-trained text-to-audio model frozen. Due to the lack of suitable datasets and evaluation metrics, we consolidate existing datasets into a new dataset comprising the audio and corresponding conditions and use a series of evaluation metrics to evaluate the controllability performance. Experimental results demonstrate that our model successfully achieves fine-grained control to accomplish controllable audio generation. Audio samples and our dataset are publicly available at https://conditionaudiogen.github.io/conditionaudiogen/

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