Emergent Mind

Iterative risk-constrained model predictive control: A data-driven distributionally robust approach

Published Aug 22, 2023 in math.OC , cs.SY , and eess.SY


This paper proposes an iterative distributionally robust model predictive control (MPC) scheme to solve a risk-constrained infinite-horizon optimal control problem. In each iteration, the algorithm generates a trajectory from the starting point to the target equilibrium state with the aim of respecting risk constraints with high probability (that encodes safe operation of the system) and improving the cost of the trajectory as compared to previous iterations. At the end of each iteration, the visited states and observed samples of the uncertainty are stored and accumulated with the previous observations. For each iteration, the states stored previously are considered as terminal constraints of the MPC scheme, and samples obtained thus far are used to construct distributionally robust risk constraints. As iterations progress, more data is obtained and the environment is explored progressively to ensure better safety and cost optimality. We prove that the MPC scheme in each iteration is recursively feasible and the resulting trajectories converge asymptotically to the target while ensuring safety with high probability. We identify conditions under which the cost-to-go reduces as iterations progress. For systems with locally one-step reachable target, we specify scenarios that ensure finite-time convergence of iterations. We provide computationally tractable reformulations of the risk constraints for total variation and Wasserstein distance-based ambiguity sets. A simulation example illustrates the application of our results in finding a risk-constrained path for two mobile robots facing an uncertain obstacle.

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