Emergent Mind


As demands for high-quality videos continue to rise, high-resolution and high-dynamic range (HDR) imaging techniques are drawing attention. To generate an HDR video from low dynamic range (LDR) images, one of the critical steps is the motion compensation between LDR frames, for which most existing works employed the optical flow algorithm. However, these methods suffer from flow estimation errors when saturation or complicated motions exist. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end HDR video composition framework, which aligns LDR frames in the feature space and then merges aligned features into an HDR frame, without relying on pixel-domain optical flow. Specifically, we propose a luminance-based alignment network for HDR (LAN-HDR) consisting of an alignment module and a hallucination module. The alignment module aligns a frame to the adjacent reference by evaluating luminance-based attention, excluding color information. The hallucination module generates sharp details, especially for washed-out areas due to saturation. The aligned and hallucinated features are then blended adaptively to complement each other. Finally, we merge the features to generate a final HDR frame. In training, we adopt a temporal loss, in addition to frame reconstruction losses, to enhance temporal consistency and thus reduce flickering. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method performs better or comparable to state-of-the-art methods on several benchmarks.

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