Emergent Mind

Do you know what q-means?

Published Aug 18, 2023 in quant-ph , cs.DS , and cs.LG


Clustering is one of the most important tools for analysis of large datasets, and perhaps the most popular clustering algorithm is Lloyd's iteration for $k$-means. This iteration takes $N$ vectors $v1,\dots,vN\in\mathbb{R}d$ and outputs $k$ centroids $c1,\dots,ck\in\mathbb{R}d$; these partition the vectors into clusters based on which centroid is closest to a particular vector. We present an overall improved version of the "$q$-means" algorithm, the quantum algorithm originally proposed by Kerenidis, Landman, Luongo, and Prakash (2019) which performs $\varepsilon$-$k$-means, an approximate version of $k$-means clustering. This algorithm does not rely on the quantum linear algebra primitives of prior work, instead only using its QRAM to prepare and measure simple states based on the current iteration's clusters. The time complexity is $O\big(\frac{k{2}}{\varepsilon2}(\sqrt{k}d + \log(Nd))\big)$ and maintains the polylogarithmic dependence on $N$ while improving the dependence on most of the other parameters. We also present a "dequantized" algorithm for $\varepsilon$-$k$-means which runs in $O\big(\frac{k{2}}{\varepsilon2}(kd + \log(Nd))\big)$ time. Notably, this classical algorithm matches the polylogarithmic dependence on $N$ attained by the quantum algorithms.

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