Emergent Mind

Meta-ZSDETR: Zero-shot DETR with Meta-learning

Published Aug 18, 2023 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Zero-shot object detection aims to localize and recognize objects of unseen classes. Most of existing works face two problems: the low recall of RPN in unseen classes and the confusion of unseen classes with background. In this paper, we present the first method that combines DETR and meta-learning to perform zero-shot object detection, named Meta-ZSDETR, where model training is formalized as an individual episode based meta-learning task. Different from Faster R-CNN based methods that firstly generate class-agnostic proposals, and then classify them with visual-semantic alignment module, Meta-ZSDETR directly predict class-specific boxes with class-specific queries and further filter them with the predicted accuracy from classification head. The model is optimized with meta-contrastive learning, which contains a regression head to generate the coordinates of class-specific boxes, a classification head to predict the accuracy of generated boxes, and a contrastive head that utilizes the proposed contrastive-reconstruction loss to further separate different classes in visual space. We conduct extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets MS COCO and PASCAL VOC. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the existing ZSD methods by a large margin.

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