Emergent Mind

Stochastic Opinion Dynamics under Social Pressure in Arbitrary Networks

Published Aug 18, 2023 in eess.SY , cs.SI , cs.SY , math.DS , and math.OC


Social pressure is a key factor affecting the evolution of opinions on networks in many types of settings, pushing people to conform to their neighbors' opinions. To study this, the interacting Polya urn model was introduced by Jadbabaie et al., in which each agent has two kinds of opinion: inherent beliefs, which are hidden from the other agents and fixed; and declared opinions, which are randomly sampled at each step from a distribution which depends on the agent's inherent belief and her neighbors' past declared opinions (the social pressure component), and which is then communicated to their neighbors. Each agent also has a bias parameter denoting her level of resistance to social pressure. At every step, the agents simultaneously update their declared opinions according to their neighbors' aggregate past declared opinions, their inherent beliefs, and their bias parameters. We study the asymptotic behavior of this opinion dynamics model and show that agents' declaration probabilities converge almost surely in the limit using Lyapunov theory and stochastic approximation techniques. We also derive necessary and sufficient conditions for the agents to approach consensus on their declared opinions. Our work provides further insight into the difficulty of inferring the inherent beliefs of agents when they are under social pressure.

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