Emergent Mind


Point-cloud-based 3D perception has attracted great attention in various applications including robotics, autonomous driving and AR/VR. In particular, the 3D sparse convolution (SpConv) network has emerged as one of the most popular backbones due to its excellent performance. However, it poses severe challenges to real-time perception on general-purpose platforms, such as lengthy map search latency, high computation cost, and enormous memory footprint. In this paper, we propose SpOctA, a SpConv accelerator that enables high-speed and energy-efficient point cloud processing. SpOctA parallelizes the map search by utilizing algorithm-architecture co-optimization based on octree encoding, thereby achieving 8.8-21.2x search speedup. It also attenuates the heavy computational workload by exploiting inherent sparsity of each voxel, which eliminates computation redundancy and saves 44.4-79.1% processing latency. To optimize on-chip memory management, a SpConv-oriented non-uniform caching strategy is introduced to reduce external memory access energy by 57.6% on average. Implemented on a 40nm technology and extensively evaluated on representative benchmarks, SpOctA rivals the state-of-the-art SpConv accelerators by 1.1-6.9x speedup with 1.5-3.1x energy efficiency improvement.

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