Emergent Mind

Recognizing Intent in Collaborative Manipulation

Published Aug 17, 2023 in cs.RO


Collaborative manipulation is inherently multimodal, with haptic communication playing a central role. When performed by humans, it involves back-and-forth force exchanges between the participants through which they resolve possible conflicts and determine their roles. Much of the existing work on collaborative human-robot manipulation assumes that the robot follows the human. But for a robot to match the performance of a human partner it needs to be able to take initiative and lead when appropriate. To achieve such human-like performance, the robot needs to have the ability to (1) determine the intent of the human, (2) clearly express its own intent, and (3) choose its actions so that the dyad reaches consensus. This work proposes a framework for recognizing human intent in collaborative manipulation tasks using force exchanges. Grounded in a dataset collected during a human study, we introduce a set of features that can be computed from the measured signals and report the results of a classifier trained on our collected human-human interaction data. Two metrics are used to evaluate the intent recognizer: overall accuracy and the ability to correctly identify transitions. The proposed recognizer shows robustness against the variations in the partner's actions and the confounding effects due to the variability in grasp forces and dynamic effects of walking. The results demonstrate that the proposed recognizer is well-suited for implementation in a physical interaction control scheme.

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