Emergent Mind

Hyperbolic Face Anti-Spoofing

Published Aug 17, 2023 in cs.CV


Learning generalized face anti-spoofing (FAS) models against presentation attacks is essential for the security of face recognition systems. Previous FAS methods usually encourage models to extract discriminative features, of which the distances within the same class (bonafide or attack) are pushed close while those between bonafide and attack are pulled away. However, these methods are designed based on Euclidean distance, which lacks generalization ability for unseen attack detection due to poor hierarchy embedding ability. According to the evidence that different spoofing attacks are intrinsically hierarchical, we propose to learn richer hierarchical and discriminative spoofing cues in hyperbolic space. Specifically, for unimodal FAS learning, the feature embeddings are projected into the Poincar\'e ball, and then the hyperbolic binary logistic regression layer is cascaded for classification. To further improve generalization, we conduct hyperbolic contrastive learning for the bonafide only while relaxing the constraints on diverse spoofing attacks. To alleviate the vanishing gradient problem in hyperbolic space, a new feature clipping method is proposed to enhance the training stability of hyperbolic models. Besides, we further design a multimodal FAS framework with Euclidean multimodal feature decomposition and hyperbolic multimodal feature fusion & classification. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets (i.e., WMCA, PADISI-Face, and SiW-M) with diverse attack types demonstrate that the proposed method can bring significant improvement compared to the Euclidean baselines on unseen attack detection. In addition, the proposed framework is also generalized well on four benchmark datasets (i.e., MSU-MFSD, IDIAP REPLAY-ATTACK, CASIA-FASD, and OULU-NPU) with a limited number of attack types.

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