Emergent Mind

Towards Ontology-Mediated Planning with OWL DL Ontologies (Extended Version)

Published Aug 16, 2023 in cs.AI and cs.LO


While classical planning languages make the closed-domain and closed-world assumption, there have been various approaches to extend those with DL reasoning, which is then interpreted under the usual open-world semantics. Current approaches for planning with DL ontologies integrate the DL directly into the planning language, and practical approaches have been developed based on first-order rewritings or rewritings into datalog. We present here a new approach in which the planning specification and ontology are kept separate, and are linked together using an interface. This allows planning experts to work in a familiar formalism, while existing ontologies can be easily integrated and extended by ontology experts. Our approach for planning with those ontology-mediated planning problems is optimized for cases with comparatively small domains, and supports the whole OWL DL fragment. The idea is to rewrite the ontology-mediated planning problem into a classical planning problem to be processed by existing planning tools. Different to other approaches, our rewriting is data-dependent. A first experimental evaluation of our approach shows the potential and limitations of this approach.

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