Emergent Mind

Adaptive SGD with Polyak stepsize and Line-search: Robust Convergence and Variance Reduction

Published Aug 11, 2023 in cs.LG , math.OC , and stat.ML


The recently proposed stochastic Polyak stepsize (SPS) and stochastic line-search (SLS) for SGD have shown remarkable effectiveness when training over-parameterized models. However, in non-interpolation settings, both algorithms only guarantee convergence to a neighborhood of a solution which may result in a worse output than the initial guess. While artificially decreasing the adaptive stepsize has been proposed to address this issue (Orvieto et al. [2022]), this approach results in slower convergence rates for convex and over-parameterized models. In this work, we make two contributions: Firstly, we propose two new variants of SPS and SLS, called AdaSPS and AdaSLS, which guarantee convergence in non-interpolation settings and maintain sub-linear and linear convergence rates for convex and strongly convex functions when training over-parameterized models. AdaSLS requires no knowledge of problem-dependent parameters, and AdaSPS requires only a lower bound of the optimal function value as input. Secondly, we equip AdaSPS and AdaSLS with a novel variance reduction technique and obtain algorithms that require $\smash{\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}}(n+1/\epsilon)$ gradient evaluations to achieve an $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon)$-suboptimality for convex functions, which improves upon the slower $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon2)$ rates of AdaSPS and AdaSLS without variance reduction in the non-interpolation regimes. Moreover, our result matches the fast rates of AdaSVRG but removes the inner-outer-loop structure, which is easier to implement and analyze. Finally, numerical experiments on synthetic and real datasets validate our theory and demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our algorithms.

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