Emergent Mind

NLLG Quarterly arXiv Report 06/23: What are the most influential current AI Papers?

Published Jul 31, 2023 in cs.CY , cs.AI , cs.CL , cs.DL , and cs.LG


The rapid growth of information in the field of Generative AI, particularly in the subfields of NLP and Machine Learning (ML), presents a significant challenge for researchers and practitioners to keep pace with the latest developments. To address the problem of information overload, this report by the Natural Language Learning Group at Bielefeld University focuses on identifying the most popular papers on arXiv, with a specific emphasis on NLP and ML. The objective is to offer a quick guide to the most relevant and widely discussed research, aiding both newcomers and established researchers in staying abreast of current trends. In particular, we compile a list of the 40 most popular papers based on normalized citation counts from the first half of 2023. We observe the dominance of papers related to LLMs and specifically ChatGPT during the first half of 2023, with the latter showing signs of declining popularity more recently, however. Further, NLP related papers are the most influential (around 60\% of top papers) even though there are twice as many ML related papers in our data. Core issues investigated in the most heavily cited papers are: LLM efficiency, evaluation techniques, ethical considerations, embodied agents, and problem-solving with LLMs. Additionally, we examine the characteristics of top papers in comparison to others outside the top-40 list (noticing the top paper's focus on LLM related issues and higher number of co-authors) and analyze the citation distributions in our dataset, among others.


  • The Natural Language Learning Group at Bielefeld University analyzed the most impactful AI papers from arXiv.

  • The study used citation frequency and normalized these against the publication date to rank papers' influence.

  • NLP papers were found to be more influential than ML papers, with 60% of the top-cited papers being NLP-related.

  • LLMs, especially LLaMA by Meta AI, dominate the research focus.

  • The analysis highlighted trends in co-authorship, prevalent themes, and the ethical concerns in AI advancements.


In an environment where scientific publications are proliferating at an unprecedented rate, especially within the field of AI, the Natural Language Learning Group at Bielefeld University has undertaken an investigative analysis. Their work aims to discern the most impactful papers published on the arXiv preprint server, particularly within the realms of NLP and Machine Learning (ML). As the volume of research expands, this task becomes increasingly vital for professionals seeking to remain conversant with seminal works that are shaping contemporary discourse.


Central to this analysis is the methodology applied to rank papers based on their influence as evidenced by citation frequency. The researchers collected data from the first half of 2023, encompassing all papers related to the computational and language (cs.CL) and machine learning (cs.LG) categories from the arXiv repository. Each paper's citation count was extracted and normalized against others published in the same week, creating a metric that adjusts for publication date called the z-score. This process balances the inherent advantage that earlier-published papers have in accruing citations. The group manually verified the publication dates to ensure the accuracy of their rankings, resulting in two datasets, the overarching arxiv-0623 and the more select arxiv-0623-top40 which encapsulates the forty papers with the highest normalized citation counts.


An important discovery indicates that NLP is now more influential than ML in terms of citation impact. Even though ML papers are numerically superior, about 60% of the top-cited papers are NLP-related. Furthermore, LLMs, including ChatGPT, have been particularly dominant in research focus. Meta AI's open-source model, LLaMA, arises as a prominent paper, reflective of the research community's gravitation toward efficient and publicly accessible LLM solutions. The study reveals that active research zones encompass LLM efficiency, evaluation methods, ethical implications, and the application of LLMs in problem-solving and embodied agents. ChatGPT, despite its initial surge in popularity, appears to be experiencing a decline in focus among top papers.


Beyond the ranking, the group delved into an analysis of the full set of papers to understand broader trends. A consensus emerged that highly cited papers are characterized by a higher number of co-authors, and certain keywords, such as "LLMs" or "zero-shot," were more prevalent. This insight could point to the collective nature of groundbreaking research as well as the thematic concentration within the AI research community. Additionally, they remarked on the stratification of citations over time, the prevalence of LLMs in high-impact papers, and the ethical considerations that accompany advancements in AI technology.

In conclusion, the NLLG's systematic approach to compiling and assessing the most influential AI papers on arXiv serves as an invaluable resource for both established and emerging professionals in the field. By highlighting key areas of current research and offering insights into the dynamics of scientific recognition, they make navigating the burgeoning space of AI literature markedly more accessible.

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