Emergent Mind

Tracking Players in a Badminton Court by Two Cameras

Published Aug 9, 2023 in cs.CV


This study proposes a simple method for multi-object tracking (MOT) of players in a badminton court. We leverage two off-the-shelf cameras, one on the top of the court and the other on the side of the court. The one on the top is to track players' trajectories, while the one on the side is to analyze the pixel features of players. By computing the correlations between adjacent frames and engaging the information of the two cameras, MOT of badminton players is obtained. This two-camera approach addresses the challenge of player occlusion and overlapping in a badminton court, providing player trajectory tracking and multi-angle analysis. The presented system offers insights into the positions and movements of badminton players, thus serving as a coaching or self-training tool for badminton players to improve their gaming strategies.

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