Emergent Mind

Deterministic $k$-Vertex Connectivity in $k^2$ Max-flows

Published Aug 9, 2023 in cs.DS


An $n$-vertex $m$-edge graph is \emph{$k$-vertex connected} if it cannot be disconnected by deleting less than $k$ vertices. After more than half a century of intensive research, the result by [Li et al. STOC'21] finally gave a \emph{randomized} algorithm for checking $k$-connectivity in near-optimal $\widehat{O}(m)$ time. (We use $\widehat{O}(\cdot)$ to hide an $n{o(1)}$ factor.) Deterministic algorithms, unfortunately, have remained much slower even if we assume a linear-time max-flow algorithm: they either require at least $\Omega(mn)$ time [Even'75; Henzinger Rao and Gabow, FOCS'96; Gabow, FOCS'00] or assume that $k=o(\sqrt{\log n})$ [Saranurak and Yingchareonthawornchai, FOCS'22]. We show a \emph{deterministic} algorithm for checking $k$-vertex connectivity in time proportional to making $\widehat{O}(k{2})$ max-flow calls, and, hence, in $\widehat{O}(mk{2})$ time using the deterministic max-flow algorithm by [Brand et al. FOCS'23]. Our algorithm gives the first almost-linear-time bound for all $k$ where $\sqrt{\log n}\le k\le n{o(1)}$ and subsumes up to a sub polynomial factor the long-standing state-of-the-art algorithm by [Even'75] which requires $O(n+k{2})$ max-flow calls. Our key technique is a deterministic algorithm for terminal reduction for vertex connectivity: given a terminal set separated by a vertex mincut, output either a vertex mincut or a smaller terminal set that remains separated by a vertex mincut. We also show a deterministic $(1+\epsilon)$-approximation algorithm for vertex connectivity that makes $O(n/\epsilon2)$ max-flow calls, improving the bound of $O(n{1.5})$ max-flow calls in the exact algorithm of [Gabow, FOCS'00]. The technique is based on Ramanujan graphs.

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