Emergent Mind

Topological analysis of the complex SSH model using the quantum geometric tensor

Published Aug 8, 2023 in cond-mat.str-el and cond-mat.mes-hall


This paper presents two methods for topological analysis of the complex Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model using the quantum geometric tensor: Berry phase and topological data analysis. We demonstrate how both methods can effectively generate topological phase diagrams for the model, revealing two distinct regions based on the relative magnitudes of the parameters $|v|$ and $|w|$. Specifically, when $|v| > |w|$, the system is found to be topologically trivial, whereas for $|v| < |w|$, it exhibits topologically non-trivial behavior. Our results contribute to building the groundwork for topological analysis of more complicated SSH-type models.

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