Emergent Mind


In this paper, we aim to study how to build a strong instance segmenter with minimal training time and GPUs, as opposed to the majority of current approaches that pursue more accurate instance segmenter by building more advanced frameworks at the cost of longer training time and higher GPU requirements. To achieve this, we introduce a simple and general framework, termed Mask Frozen-DETR, which can convert any existing DETR-based object detection model into a powerful instance segmentation model. Our method only requires training an additional lightweight mask network that predicts instance masks within the bounding boxes given by a frozen DETR-based object detector. Remarkably, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art instance segmentation method Mask DINO in terms of performance on the COCO test-dev split (55.3% vs. 54.7%) while being over 10X times faster to train. Furthermore, all of our experiments can be trained using only one Tesla V100 GPU with 16 GB of memory, demonstrating the significant efficiency of our proposed framework.

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