Emergent Mind

Learning Multiple Gaits within Latent Space for Quadruped Robots

Published Aug 6, 2023 in cs.RO


Learning multiple gaits is non-trivial for legged robots, especially when encountering different terrains and velocity commands. In this work, we present an end-to-end training framework for learning multiple gaits for quadruped robots, tailored to the needs of robust locomotion, agile locomotion, and user's commands. A latent space is constructed concurrently by a gait encoder and a gait generator, which helps the agent to reuse multiple gait skills to achieve adaptive gait behaviors. To learn natural behaviors for multiple gaits, we design gait-dependent rewards that are constructed explicitly from gait parameters and implicitly from conditional adversarial motion priors (CAMP). We demonstrate such multiple gaits control on a quadruped robot Go1 with only proprioceptive sensors.

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