Emergent Mind


This paper presents efficient data structures for the implementation of matrix-free finite element methods on block-structured, hybrid tetrahedral grids. It provides a complete categorization of all geometric sub-objects that emerge from the regular refinement of the unstructured, tetrahedral coarse grid and describes efficient iteration patterns and analytical linearization functions for the mapping of coefficients to memory addresses. This foundation enables the implementation of fast, extreme-scalable, matrix-free, iterative solvers, and in particular geometric multigrid methods by design. Their application to the variable-coefficient Stokes system subject to an enriched Galerkin discretization and to the curl-curl problem discretized with N\'ed\'elec edge elements showcases the flexibility of the implementation. Eventually, the solution of a curl-curl problem with $1.6 \cdot 10{11}$ (more than one hundred billion) unknowns on more than $32000$ processes with a matrix-free full multigrid solver demonstrates its extreme-scalability.

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