Emergent Mind

Learning to Model the World with Language

Published Jul 31, 2023 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


To interact with humans in the world, agents need to understand the diverse types of language that people use, relate them to the visual world, and act based on them. While current agents learn to execute simple language instructions from task rewards, we aim to build agents that leverage diverse language that conveys general knowledge, describes the state of the world, provides interactive feedback, and more. Our key idea is that language helps agents predict the future: what will be observed, how the world will behave, and which situations will be rewarded. This perspective unifies language understanding with future prediction as a powerful self-supervised learning objective. We present Dynalang, an agent that learns a multimodal world model that predicts future text and image representations and learns to act from imagined model rollouts. Unlike traditional agents that use language only to predict actions, Dynalang acquires rich language understanding by using past language also to predict future language, video, and rewards. In addition to learning from online interaction in an environment, Dynalang can be pretrained on datasets of text, video, or both without actions or rewards. From using language hints in grid worlds to navigating photorealistic scans of homes, Dynalang utilizes diverse types of language to improve task performance, including environment descriptions, game rules, and instructions.

Dynalang's predictive capabilities in HomeGrid: forecasts future observations and rewards using past text and images.


  • The paper introduces Dynalang, a multimodal agent that leverages both visual and linguistic inputs to predict future states in an environment and facilitate decision-making through a shared latent representation space.

  • Dynalang employs self-supervised learning to predict future text and image representations, enabling it to act based on imagined scenarios and outperforming traditional RL approaches in empirical evaluations.

  • The paper's experiments demonstrate Dynalang's effectiveness across various settings, including home grid environments, complex game navigation, photorealistic navigation tasks, and language generation tasks, establishing its versatile utility in multimodal integration and planning.

Learning to Model the World with Language: An Expert Overview

This paper titled "Learning to Model the World with Language" by Jessy Lin et al. presents a substantive advancement in the development of multimodal agents capable of understanding and utilizing diverse language inputs to predict future states in interactive environments. The central contribution is the introduction of Dynalang, an agent that integrates visual and linguistic modalities to build a world model that can predict future text and image representations, informing action selection in a self-supervised manner.

Core Contributions

The key contributions of the paper are manifold:

  1. Dynalang Architecture: Dynalang employs a multimodal world model that learns to encode visual and textual inputs into a shared latent representation space. This model predicts the future states of the environment based on past observations and actions, enabling the agent to plan and act within its environment more effectively.
  2. Learning to Predict Future States: Rather than mapping language directly to actions as done in traditional RL approaches, Dynalang leverages language to predict future states. This future prediction objective serves as a potent self-supervised learning signal, enhancing the agent's ability to ground language in visual experience and task performance.
  3. Dynamic Action and Text Prediction: Dynalang can also act based on imagined rollouts from the world model and can be pretrained on text-only or video-only datasets, enabling flexibility in learning from various forms of offline data. The architecture supports both motor action predictions and language generations, illustrating its versatile applicability across different tasks.
  4. Empirical Evaluation: The efficacy of Dynalang is rigorously evaluated across several tasks, demonstrating superior performance compared to model-free RL baselines such as IMPALA and R2D2. It's particularly noteworthy in its ability to use diverse kinds of language inputs—future observations, dynamic descriptions, corrections—to improve task performance significantly.

Experimental Insights

The experiments showcase Dynalang's utility in a range of settings:

  1. HomeGrid: This novel environment explicitly tests the agent's ability to use various forms of language inputs. The results illustrate Dynalang's superior performance in integrating task instructions with additional contextual language, which model-free RL baselines struggled with.
  2. Messenger Benchmark: Dynalang outperforms task-specific architectures such as EMMA by effectively using game manuals to navigate complex game states, demonstrating the strength of the proposed future prediction-based grounding.
  3. Vision-Language Navigation (VLN-CE): The agent successfully learns to follow natural language navigation instructions in photorealistic environments, providing evidence that future reward prediction based on grounded language can be as effective as traditional instruction-following models.
  4. LangRoom: Here, Dynalang illustrates its capacity for language generation, answering questions based on observed environmental states, further showcasing its multimodal integration and planning capabilities.

Implications and Future Directions

The theoretical and practical implications of this research are profound. Dynamically integrating linguistic inputs with visual data via future prediction broadens the horizons for more intuitive and interactive AI systems in complex real-world applications. This work lays the groundwork for developing agents that can seamlessly interact with humans by understanding and predicting both language and environmental changes.

Future research directions could include:

  • Scalability: Exploring more scalable architectures that can handle longer horizon tasks and sequences, potentially leveraging transformer-based models for sequence modeling.
  • Enhanced Pretraining: Further exploiting large-scale pretraining on vast multimodal datasets to improve initial world model training efficiency and generalization.
  • Advanced Interactivity: Introducing more complex, open-ended tasks that require nuanced reasoning about language and visual inputs, closer to real-world interaction scenarios.

The paper avoids sensational language and adopts a formal, meticulous academic tone, ensuring clarity and precision in presenting its findings. This restraint is beneficial for fostering a robust and objective understanding of the contributions without superfluous embellishments.

In conclusion, Dynalang represents a significant step in the evolution of multimodal agents, showcasing the potential of future prediction as a unified learning objective for grounding language in interactive AI systems.

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"Learning to Model the World with Language", Lin et al 2023 (3 points, 0 comments) in /r/reinforcementlearning