Emergent Mind


Code cloning, the duplication of code fragments, is common in software development. While some reuse aids productivity, excessive cloning hurts maintainability and introduces bugs. Hence, automatic code clone detection is vital. Meanwhile, LLMs possess diverse code-related knowledge, making them versatile for various software engineering challenges. However, LLMs' performance in code clone detection is unclear and needs more study for accurate assessment. In this paper, we provide the first comprehensive evaluation of LLMs for clone detection, covering different clone types, languages, and prompts. We find advanced LLMs excel in detecting complex semantic clones, surpassing existing methods. Adding intermediate reasoning steps via chain-of-thought prompts noticeably enhances performance. Additionally, representing code as vector embeddings, especially with text encoders, effectively aids clone detection.Lastly, the ability of LLMs to detect code clones differs among various programming languages. Our study suggests that LLMs have potential for clone detection due to their language capabilities, offering insights for developing robust LLM-based methods to enhance software engineering.

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