Emergent Mind

Adaptive learning of density ratios in RKHS

Published Jul 30, 2023 in cs.LG , math.ST , stat.ML , and stat.TH


Estimating the ratio of two probability densities from finitely many observations of the densities is a central problem in machine learning and statistics with applications in two-sample testing, divergence estimation, generative modeling, covariate shift adaptation, conditional density estimation, and novelty detection. In this work, we analyze a large class of density ratio estimation methods that minimize a regularized Bregman divergence between the true density ratio and a model in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We derive new finite-sample error bounds, and we propose a Lepskii type parameter choice principle that minimizes the bounds without knowledge of the regularity of the density ratio. In the special case of quadratic loss, our method adaptively achieves a minimax optimal error rate. A numerical illustration is provided.

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