Emergent Mind


The last decade has witnessed many successes of deep learning-based models for industry-scale recommender systems. These models are typically trained offline in a batch manner. While being effective in capturing users' past interactions with recommendation platforms, batch learning suffers from long model-update latency and is vulnerable to system biases, making it hard to adapt to distribution shift and explore new items or user interests. Although online learning-based approaches (e.g., multi-armed bandits) have demonstrated promising theoretical results in tackling these challenges, their practical real-time implementation in large-scale recommender systems remains limited. First, the scalability of online approaches in servicing a massive online traffic while ensuring timely updates of bandit parameters poses a significant challenge. Additionally, exploring uncertainty in recommender systems can easily result in unfavorable user experience, highlighting the need for devising intricate strategies that effectively balance the trade-off between exploitation and exploration. In this paper, we introduce Online Matching: a scalable closed-loop bandit system learning from users' direct feedback on items in real time. We present a hybrid "offline + online" approach for constructing this system, accompanied by a comprehensive exposition of the end-to-end system architecture. We propose Diag-LinUCB -- a novel extension of the LinUCB algorithm -- to enable distributed updates of bandits parameter in a scalable and timely manner. We conduct live experiments in YouTube and show that Online Matching is able to enhance the capabilities of fresh content discovery and item exploration in the present platform.

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