Emergent Mind


Model quantization represents both parameters (weights) and intermediate values (activations) in a more compact format, thereby directly reducing both computational and memory cost in hardware. The quantization of recent LLMs faces challenges to achieve competitive memory density compared to other models such as convolutional neural networks, since values in LLMs require larger dynamic ranges. Current hardware can expedite computation for LLMs using compact numerical formats such as low-bitwidth integers or floating-point numbers. Each has advantages: integer operations simplify circuit design, whereas floating-point calculations can enhance accuracy when a wider dynamic range is required. In this work, we seek an efficient data format that combines the best of both worlds: Microscaling (MX) formats. MX formats are efficient data formats that achieve both large dynamic ranges and high memory density. In this paper, we propose a compiler named MASE for exploring mixed-precision MX formats on dataflow hardware accelerators for LLM inference. Our main contributions are twofold. First, we propose a novel orchestration abstraction to explore both software and hardware optimizations with new data formats. Second, MASE achieves LLM inference at an average precision of 4-bits, with minimal to no accuracy degradation. To our knowledge, MASE represents the first effort to harness fine-grain multi-precision MX formats in the design of LLM hardware accelerators. Over a range of LLMs and datasets, MASE achieves an average improvement of 24% in $\Delta$ accuracy with an overhead of only 3% in energy efficiency compared to designs using 8-bit fixed-point numbers.

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