Emergent Mind

Matching Patients to Clinical Trials with Large Language Models

Published Jul 27, 2023 in cs.CL and cs.AI


Clinical trials are often hindered by the challenge of patient recruitment. In this work, we introduce TrialGPT, a first-of-its-kind LLM framework to assist patient-to-trial matching. Given a patient note, TrialGPT predicts the patient's eligibility on a criterion-by-criterion basis and then consolidates these predictions to assess the patient's eligibility for the target trial. We evaluate the trial-level prediction performance of TrialGPT on three publicly available cohorts of 184 patients with over 18,000 trial annotations. We also engaged three physicians to label over 1,000 patient-criterion pairs to assess its criterion-level prediction accuracy. Experimental results show that TrialGPT achieves a criterion-level accuracy of 87.3% with faithful explanations, close to the expert performance (88.7%-90.0%). The aggregated TrialGPT scores are highly correlated with human eligibility judgments, and they outperform the best-competing models by 32.6% to 57.2% in ranking and excluding clinical trials. Furthermore, our user study reveals that TrialGPT can significantly reduce the screening time (by 42.6%) in a real-life clinical trial matching task. These results and analyses have demonstrated promising opportunities for clinical trial matching with LLMs such as TrialGPT.

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