Emergent Mind

PanGu-Coder2: Boosting Large Language Models for Code with Ranking Feedback

Published Jul 27, 2023 in cs.CL , cs.AI , cs.LG , cs.PL , and cs.SE


LLMs for Code (Code LLM) are flourishing. New and powerful models are released on a weekly basis, demonstrating remarkable performance on the code generation task. Various approaches have been proposed to boost the code generation performance of pre-trained Code LLMs, such as supervised fine-tuning, instruction tuning, reinforcement learning, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel RRTF (Rank Responses to align Test&Teacher Feedback) framework, which can effectively and efficiently boost pre-trained LLMs for code generation. Under this framework, we present PanGu-Coder2, which achieves 62.20% pass@1 on the OpenAI HumanEval benchmark. Furthermore, through an extensive evaluation on CoderEval and LeetCode benchmarks, we show that PanGu-Coder2 consistently outperforms all previous Code LLMs.

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