Emergent Mind


Despite extensive research on distance oracles, there are still large gaps between the best constructions for spanners and distance oracles. Notably, there exist sparse spanners with a multiplicative stretch of $1+\varepsilon$ plus some additive stretch. A fundamental open problem is whether such a bound is achievable for distance oracles as well. Specifically, can we construct a distance oracle with multiplicative stretch better than 2, along with some additive stretch, while maintaining subquadratic space complexity? This question remains a crucial area of investigation, and finding a positive answer would be a significant step forward for distance oracles. Indeed, such oracles have been constructed for sparse graphs. However, in the more general case of dense graphs, it is currently unknown whether such oracles exist. In this paper, we contribute to the field by presenting the first distance oracles that achieve a multiplicative stretch of $1+\varepsilon$ along with a small additive stretch while maintaining subquadratic space complexity. Our results represent an advancement particularly for constructing efficient distance oracles for dense graphs. In addition, we present a whole family of oracles that, for any positive integer $k$, achieve a multiplicative stretch of $2k-1+\varepsilon$ using $o(n{1+1/k})$ space.

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