Emergent Mind

Time for aCTIon: Automated Analysis of Cyber Threat Intelligence in the Wild

Published Jul 14, 2023 in cs.CR and cs.LG


Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) plays a crucial role in assessing risks and enhancing security for organizations. However, the process of extracting relevant information from unstructured text sources can be expensive and time-consuming. Our empirical experience shows that existing tools for automated structured CTI extraction have performance limitations. Furthermore, the community lacks a common benchmark to quantitatively assess their performance. We fill these gaps providing a new large open benchmark dataset and aCTIon, a structured CTI information extraction tool. The dataset includes 204 real-world publicly available reports and their corresponding structured CTI information in STIX format. Our team curated the dataset involving three independent groups of CTI analysts working over the course of several months. To the best of our knowledge, this dataset is two orders of magnitude larger than previously released open source datasets. We then design aCTIon, leveraging recently introduced LLMs (GPT3.5) in the context of two custom information extraction pipelines. We compare our method with 10 solutions presented in previous work, for which we develop our own implementations when open-source implementations were lacking. Our results show that aCTIon outperforms previous work for structured CTI extraction with an improvement of the F1-score from 10%points to 50%points across all tasks.

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