Emergent Mind

Operator Guidance Informed by AI-Augmented Simulations

Published Jul 17, 2023 in cs.AI , cs.LG , physics.ao-ph , and stat.AP


This paper will present a multi-fidelity, data-adaptive approach with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network to estimate ship response statistics in bimodal, bidirectional seas. The study will employ a fast low-fidelity, volume-based tool SimpleCode and a higher-fidelity tool known as the Large Amplitude Motion Program (LAMP). SimpleCode and LAMP data were generated by common bi-modal, bi-directional sea conditions in the North Atlantic as training data. After training an LSTM network with LAMP ship motion response data, a sample route was traversed and randomly sampled historical weather was input into SimpleCode and the LSTM network, and compared against the higher fidelity results.

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