Emergent Mind


Pre-trained LLMs have recently emerged as a breakthrough technology in natural language processing and artificial intelligence, with the ability to handle large-scale datasets and exhibit remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks. Meanwhile, software testing is a crucial undertaking that serves as a cornerstone for ensuring the quality and reliability of software products. As the scope and complexity of software systems continue to grow, the need for more effective software testing techniques becomes increasingly urgent, making it an area ripe for innovative approaches such as the use of LLMs. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the utilization of LLMs in software testing. It analyzes 102 relevant studies that have used LLMs for software testing, from both the software testing and LLMs perspectives. The paper presents a detailed discussion of the software testing tasks for which LLMs are commonly used, among which test case preparation and program repair are the most representative. It also analyzes the commonly used LLMs, the types of prompt engineering that are employed, as well as the accompanied techniques with these LLMs. It also summarizes the key challenges and potential opportunities in this direction. This work can serve as a roadmap for future research in this area, highlighting potential avenues for exploration, and identifying gaps in our current understanding of the use of LLMs in software testing.

Distribution of testing tasks using LLMs throughout the software testing life cycle.


  • The paper presents a detailed analysis of the current use of LLMs in software testing, focusing on tasks like test case generation, program repair, and test oracle generation.

  • It highlights the application of various LLMs such as ChatGPT, Codex, and CodeT5 in different testing tasks, with emphasis on ChatGPT for its natural language and code understanding.

  • The study discusses the significance of prompt engineering techniques in improving LLM performance for software testing, including methods like zero-shot and few-shot learning.

  • Challenges such as achieving high coverage in test case generation and the test oracle problem are addressed, alongside the potential for future research in enhancing LLM integration and efficacy in software testing.

Software Testing with LLMs: A Comprehensive Review

Utilization of LLMs in Software Testing

The integration of pre-trained LLMs into software testing denotes a promising approach, particularly as software systems become increasingly complex. This paper rigorously analyzes current methodologies and advancements in applying LLMs for software testing. It focuses on 102 relevant studies, presenting a broad spectrum of software testing tasks, including but not limited to test case preparation, program diagnostics, and bug repair.

Insights from Software Testing Tasks

Test Case Generation

One of the paramount uses of LLMs is observed in the generation of unit test cases. With software testing grappling with challenges such as automated unit test case generation, LLMs offer a notable advantage by leveraging their inherent ability to comprehend and process large codebases. They facilitate automated test creation that significantly improves coverage and test quality. The study categorizes the application of LLMs into pre-training or fine-tuning with domain-specific datasets alongside prompt engineering techniques to steer LLM behaviors towards generating desirable testing outcomes.

Program Repair

Another vital application of LLMs is in program repair, where they have been used to debug and rectify software defects. Utilizing a combination of pre-training for domain-specific adaptation and carefully engineered prompts, LLMs have shown significant potential in identifying and fixing errors in code. This approach has presented notable efficiency in patching known vulnerabilities, showcasing the LLMs’ ability to tackle complex software debugging tasks.

Test Oracle Generation and Input Generation

The generation of test oracles and systematic test inputs presents challenges such as the oracle problem in software testing. Here, LLMs have shown promise by being utilized in differential testing approaches and generating metamorphic relations to tackle these issues effectively. Furthermore, LLMs have been applied to generate diversified test inputs for various types of software, demonstrating flexibility across different application domains.

Utilization Aspects of LLMs

LLM Models in Use

A remarkable aspect highlighted is the varied use of specific LLMs such as ChatGPT, Codex, and CodeT5, among others, depending on the nature and requirements of the testing task. ChatGPT emerges as the most frequently utilized model, attributing to its architectural design optimized for understanding natural language and code.

Prompt Engineering Techniques

The study delineates various prompt engineering strategies adopted to enhance LLM performance in software testing tasks. These strategies range from zero-shot and few-shot learning to more sophisticated methods like chain-of-thought prompting. Each technique offers unique benefits in refining the model's output towards more relevant and accurate test artifacts.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite the substantial advancements and successful application of LLMs in software testing, several challenges remain. These include achieving high coverage in test case generation, addressing the test oracle problem, and the need for rigorous evaluation frameworks to measure LLM performance accurately. Moreover, the potential benefits of exploring LLMs in early-stage testing activities, non-functional testing, and the integration of advanced prompt engineering techniques present avenues for future research.

Real-world Applications and Integration

The paper also casts light on the real-world applicability challenges of employing LLMs in software testing, emphasizing the need for domain-specific fine-tuning and prompt engineering to meet industry-specific requirements. Furthermore, it suggests the exploration of combining traditional testing techniques with LLM capabilities to enhance testing efficacy and coverage.


In conclusion, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of using LLMs in software testing, summarizing current practices, challenges, and future research opportunities. It underlines the potential of LLMs to revolutionize software testing methodologies but also calls attention to the need for further investigation and development to fully leverage LLM capabilities in practical and diverse testing scenarios.


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