Emergent Mind


Occlusion perturbation presents a significant challenge in person re-identification (re-ID), and existing methods that rely on external visual cues require additional computational resources and only consider the issue of missing information caused by occlusion. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework, termed Erasing, Transforming, and Noising Defense Network (ETNDNet), which treats occlusion as a noise disturbance and solves occluded person re-ID from the perspective of adversarial defense. In the proposed ETNDNet, we introduce three strategies: Firstly, we randomly erase the feature map to create an adversarial representation with incomplete information, enabling adversarial learning of identity loss to protect the re-ID system from the disturbance of missing information. Secondly, we introduce random transformations to simulate the position misalignment caused by occlusion, training the extractor and classifier adversarially to learn robust representations immune to misaligned information. Thirdly, we perturb the feature map with random values to address noisy information introduced by obstacles and non-target pedestrians, and employ adversarial gaming in the re-ID system to enhance its resistance to occlusion noise. Without bells and whistles, ETNDNet has three key highlights: (i) it does not require any external modules with parameters, (ii) it effectively handles various issues caused by occlusion from obstacles and non-target pedestrians, and (iii) it designs the first GAN-based adversarial defense paradigm for occluded person re-ID. Extensive experiments on five public datasets fully demonstrate the effectiveness, superiority, and practicality of the proposed ETNDNet. The code will be released at \url{https://github.com/nengdong96/ETNDNet}.

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